Weeping Trees
The different growth habits of weeping trees makes it easy to find at least one that will suit your garden. And if you do not have a garden as such, then a few can grow equally well in a container.
If I had to name my favorite weeping tree it would be Ulmus glabra 'Camperdownii' also known as the 'Wych Elm'. Why do I love it ?. Probably because of the one planted by the roadside close to home. It's old, it has a little tunnel in one side that allows pedestrians to walk though its weeping branches. And so many small children think that it is magical.In the winter, when it drops its foliage it becomes dramatic, like Witches fingers pointing to the ground.
If I could I would dig it up and take it home. However that would deprive to many people of the pleasure it gives.
If you were limited to one tree in a garden chances are a weeping tree would be one of the best choices for an ornamental tree. The wonder of the pendulous foliage cascading down adds a feel sense of peace, and just a little mystery to the garden. And with so many varieties of weeping trees available you would be sure to find one, big or small that would be a great addition to the landscape.
Nearly every garden would have room for a 'Weeping Red Bud', and that one is Cercis canadensis 'Lavender Twist'. Grow it for the masses os lavender pink flowers in spring all appearing on the slightly twisted drooping branches. It was a hit at Chelsea in 2008 and so now is easy to find in good garden centres. It is also sold as 'Covey' named after either Connie Covey or her mother who found the tree.
I would like to live by a river, with a weeping willow, however one weeping willow leads to hundreds of them, so maybe something that is easier to tame and is a little better for the environment. The weeping birch Betula pendula 'Youngii' is a much better option.
The low growing weeping Japanese Maples are excellent and will grow in containers, and for those with space, the Himalayan Spruce, Picea smithiana does have graceful pendulous branches, a wonderful feature tree in a larger garden.
Weeping Trees and shrubs for the UK, including weeping willow trees, weeping cherry trees, weeping birch trees, weeping fig trees and small weeping trees (dwarf weeping trees) are popular in gardens throughout the UK. Weeping trees make great feature trees in any garden. We provide a guide to some of the best weeping trees for the Uk garden.
Best Weeping Trees for the UK Garden.
Some of the best Weeping Trees for the UK gard
en include those listed below.
- Acer japonicum 'Green Cascade'
- Betula pendula 'Youngii' and Betula pendula purpurea 'Weeping Birch'
- Carpinus betulus 'Vienna Weeping' or Vienna Weeping European Hornbeam. Originally from the Hapsburg Palace in Austria this is one of the best pendulous plants available.
- Cedrus atlantica Glauca Pendula
- Cercidiphyllum japonicum'Pendula' or Weeping Katsura
- Cercis canadensis 'Lavender Twist'
- Fagus sylvatica 'pendula'Weeping European Beech
- Gingko biloba Pendula
- Juniperus communis 'Horstmann' Weeping Common Juniper
- Larix decidua 'pendula' Weeping European Larch
- Malus Red Jade 'Weeping Crab Apple'
- Parrotia persica 'Pendula' (Kew Form) Weeping Persian Ironwood
- Picea smithiana 'Himalayan Spruce'
- Prunus subhirtella 'Pendula Rubra' Weeping flowering chery
- Pyrus salicifolia pendula 'Weeping Silver Pear'
- Salix pururea pendula 'Weeping Puple Willow'
- Tsuga canadensis 'Pendula' Weeping Eastern Hemlock
- Ulmus alata 'Lace Parasol' Lace Parasol Weeping Winged Elm
- Ulmus glabra 'Camperdownii' the 'Wych Elm' - pictured right in the winter.
- Ulmus glabra 'pendula' is the weeping Scotch elm

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