African Violet Care

One of the most talked about house plants in term of care is the African Violet. However if you get the basis right, these are actually an easy pplant to grow.

The main requirements for wonderful African Violets are water and light, if these two factors can be catered for you are well on your way to problem free plants

Watering African Violets

The growing medium needs to be on the dry side of moist. This means we let the soil almost dry out before watering. The regime should be:

Use room temperature water that has been allowed to stand for a day or so that any chlorine has had time to dissipate. Soft water is also a problem, do not use it.
Water from below the leaves, use a specialist watering can with a small spout so that you can get the water directly to the soil. Or place the pot in a a tube of water for 15 minutes to soak. Or use a wicking system, this is a wick that takes water from a reservoir to the plant.

Watering problems with African Violets

Light for African Violets

Light should be bright but indirect. so filtered light. As African violets are often grown indoors with light from a window, the pots need to rotated to prevent uneven growth. Many growers use special fluorescent grow lights.

Light problems with African Violets

Temperature and Humidity for African Violets

Certainly an even daytime temperature is important, around 20C (70F) is ideal, the same temperature as most people feel comfortable in. Although cooler nights are OK avoid cold drafts.

Ideally a humidity of 50 - 60%, this is easily achieved with the wicking systems used in specialist African Violet Pots. Some growers mist during warmer periods as well, some use humidifiers

Temperature Problems with African Violets

African Volet Accessories

Some important accessories that will help you grow great affican violets include :

African Violet Pests and Diseases


John Allman 

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