Buddleja alternifoliaBuddleia

Buddleia plants and species (Buddleja) commonly called the 'Butterfly Bush' are fantastic flowering plants very attractive to birds. Buddleia davidii is perhaps the most common form. However some lovely yellow flowering forms are also available.

Varieties and Species

Pruning Buddleia

The best time to prune Buddleia is in late winter to early spring, if you can leave pruning until frosts are over you will avoid any potential dieback. Many gardeners will use a horticultural fleece after pruning if frost is predicted.

If the old growth is left over winter some protection is given to the plant. And remember some species are tougher than others.

Hard pruning is OK but again the principles of pruning apply, remove any dead or diseased wood first. You can then prune to shape usually take 1/3 off every 3 years.

For gardeners growing these in containers remember not to allow the soil to become wet over winter as the soil in the container can freeze. So under cover, or use a fleece, true with all container grown plants in areas where a freeze is possible.

John Allman ¬?

Buddleia are available for sale from the following nurseries

Long Reach Ockham Surrey GU23 6PG
Tel 01483-284769 FAX 01483 -284769
An award winning plant nursery and one of the South's best kept secrets. We are set in heart of Surrey, and only 5 mins drive from RHS Wisley. Includes a range Buddlejia.

Bleddyn & Sue Wynn-Jones,
Telephone: (+44) 01248 670232
Griffiths Crossing, Caernarfon, GWYNEDD, LL55 1TU
We are a small nursery on the North Wales coast, which specialised in introducing new plants into cultivation, from seeds collected on our world-wide expeditions. Which include shade plants, climbers, species Hydrangea, Araliaceae, rare trees & shrubs, Convallariaceae, herbaceous & bulbous.

Carr House Nurseries
Horton Grange Seaton Burn Newcastle Upon Tyne NE13 6BU
Tel: 01661 824 631
High quality seasonal plants grown by our experts, attractive hanging and wall baskets, gardening accessories, furniture and seasonal products delivered to your door.