Crab Apple Trees
Crab Apples are a popular ornamental flowering tree with a number of species including the English crab apple or malus sylvestris, and the Japanese crab apple or malus floribunda. The Chinese species is Malus hupehensis, and beside these we have weeping cultivars, standards and many hybrids.
It is very difficult to identify species when dormant (with over 30 species and 500+ cultivars available) so look for known cultivars from recognised growers if you are after varieties with specific flowering chaacteristics or fruiting qualities.
The blossom of the 'Showy' Crab Apple, Malus floribunda, is pictured right. Malus evereste and malus tschonoskii are other to look for.
Although they are widely grown for the showy flowers that appear in spring, some varieties are also grown for the fruit, used to make crab apple jelly and other preserves. The wonderful blossoms appear in late spring followed by small fruits and atrtractive green foliage. Trees can be used as a feature in the garden.
A broad spreading tree reaching around 4m in height, once established Crab Apple trees require little care or pruning
Oictured right we have a mature specimen of Malus Floribunda in full blossom.
Crab Apple Trees are available for sale from the following growers
BEST 4 HEDGING Ltd- Tel 01257 261243
269 Southport Road, Leyland PR26 8LQ
Buy Direct from the Growers - FREE delivery over £50. Discounts on orders over £300. Privet, Yew, Escallonia, Griselinia, Laurel, Beech, Hawthorn, Box, Hornbeam, Lavender, Holly, Lonicera, Photinia, Thuja. from 30cm to 3m plus.
CHEW VALLEY TREES - Tel: 01275 333 752
Winford Road Chew Magna Bristol BS40 8HJ
Tree nursery selling top quality specimen and ornamental bare root and container grown trees, shrubs, hedging and fruit trees. Available wholesale and retail nationwide.Includes: Malus Everest, Malus John Downie, Malus Magdeburgiensis, Malus X Robusta Red Sentinal
A14 Rougham Bury St Edmunds Suffolk IP30 9LZ
We grow hardy perennials, soft fruit bushes, bare root hedging, mail order is offered on all products.