sorbus megalocarpa


Commonly known as Rowan Trees, Mountain Ash and Whitebeam, depending ofn the species Sorbus are grown for the year round coloour and texture that they add to the garden.

The varieties known as 'Whitebeams' have simple undivided leaves, those known as 'Mountain Ash' have pinnate or divided leaves.

Flowers in spring, good autumn color and berries that last into the winter, red, white or yellow depending on the species. They grow well in most soil conditions and landscapers find then versatile.

Sorbus trees and species for the UK garden include the best known of the genus which is Sorbus aucuparia also known as the Rowan Tree, and Sorbus cashmiriana (Kashmir Rowan).

Care and Varieties

Regarded as an easy tree to grow most species provide year round interest with flowers in spring, good autumn colour and of course the berries in winter.

Sorbus are available for sale from the following nurseries

CHEW VALLEY TREES - Tel: 01275 333 752
Winford Road Chew Magna Bristol BS40 8HJ
Tree nursery selling top quality specimen and ornamental bare root and container grown trees, shrubs, hedging and fruit trees. Available wholesale and retail nationwide.
Includes: Sorbus Aria, Sorbus Aria Lutescens, Sorbus Cashmiriana, Sorbus Intermedia and others.

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