Hebe - Wholesale Nurseries

If ever a plant that is popular with landscapers deserves its place it is the Hebes. With so many useful varieties available, some excellent foliage plants, others with good flowers, and a variety of growth habits you can find a Hebe to fit most landscaping applications.

Although Hebes are seen as being from New Zealand they are also found in Polynesia and South America. They used to be called 'Shrubby Veronica' and indeed they are related.

Seen as low growing 'front of the border' plants this is often how they are used, however some species will reach 6 - 8 ft in height. The leaf size also varies, small and large. The smaller leafed varieties (whipcord varieties) usually originate in the inland areas and at higher altitudes, large leafed varieties are more often found in coastal regions.

A factor to consider when landscaping with Hebes is the origin. With the New Zealand species, some grow in very exposed conditions, windy with little humidity. Others are naturally found in sheltered positions.

Species such as H.speciosa, H.stenophylla, H. diosmifolia and H.treadwellii are three that have been used widely in hybridization.

One of the prettiest of all of the Hebes is in fact H. speciosa also known as Titirangi, large oval foliage and brilliant lipstick pink flowers.

A few misguided landscapers find Hebes a little 'difficult', and this is because they are looking for 'plant and forget' types. With Hebes, some are, and others require regular pruning.

The correct advice from the wholesaler or garden center will help the gardener immensely.

Hebe varieties offered by wholesale growers.

Suppliers offer both small leafed and large leafed varieties, flower colors from white through to pink and purple..

Wholesale Hebe varieties ar e available for sale from the following Wholesale Growers

Moor Lane Westfield Woking Surrey GU22 9RB UK
phone: 01483 722521 fax: 01483 756915
Includes: alpines, conifers, camellias, heathers, hederas, acers, rhododendrons, pieris, bamboo, climbers, herbaceous plants, ferns, grasses, hedging, waterside plants, ground cover plants
web: www.pdavisnurseries.co.uk

67 Coppull Moor Lane, Coppul Lancashire
Phone : 07761 000780
Excellent range of Hebes

Wall Ditch Lane Boozer Pit Merriot Lancashire
phone : 01460 76643
Hebe specialists

March Rd Rings End Guyhirn Cambridgeshire
phone : 01945450057
Hebe specilaiists