Miniature Tulips

If you are looking for smaller growing Tulips bulb for pots and containers, or some low growing Tulips for the front of the border, then the choice today is wider than ever. From as low as 10cm (4 inches) in height for T. biflora 'maxima' to many that reach around 15 - 20 cm (6 - 8 inches) you will also have a good choice of colors.

What are Miniature Tulips ?

Miniature Tulips or 'Dwarf Tulips' may either be small growing hybrids or smaller growing species, either way they are similar in care requirements to other tulip bulbs and varieties.

Tulip Bulbs classed as miniatures produce smaller flowers and less foliage than the full sized relatives.

Miniature Tulip Varieties

The Tulipa clusiana species and cultivars are well know, however many others are available as well.

So we may be looking at a species such as Tulipa polychroma, a very pretty low growing plant that will reach arouns 6cm. Attractive white flower with a lovely yellow centre. Tulipa linifolia with brilliant red star shaped flowers is another small growing species and Tulipa eichleri is another low growing species. Tulipa orithyioides is slightly taller than some but still an excellent candidate for the rock garden.

Care and growing conditions

Actually very easy to care for, miniature tulips do require a dry dormancy, so a well drained position is essential, the rock garden or containers seems to work well for most.

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Miniature tulips are available for sale from the following growers.

9 Greengate Drive, Knaresborough, HG5 9EN
Miniature Tulips