Ornithogalum Bulbs plants and species.

A varied genus of flowering bulbs, Ornithogalum are from South Africa through to the Mediterranean. One of the common features is that all are spring to summer flowering, however most are also frost tender.

Best known for the Chincherinchee, although a few hybrids such as Ornithogalum 'Snowflake' an attractive white flowering cultivar of Ornithogalum thyrsoides.

One of the issue with many Ornithogalum species is that they spread, some to the extent that they become invasive. This is more of a problem in warmer climates, however they do spread easily.

Ornithogalum Varieties

Ornithogalum Bulbs are available for sale from the following growers

Wide range of spring flowering bulbs, summer bulbs, and snowdrops and bluebells "in the green". Includes Tulips, Dahlia, Canna, and others available by Mail Order.

John Allman 



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