Abies delavayi forrestii
Originally from China this is another slow growing upright conifer. Abies delavayi forrestii is frost tolerant and widely used as a feature tree or even planted in rows as a windbreak. Full sun to part shade.
Also known as 'Jack Forrests Silver Fir' it is the silvery green leaves that make this such an attractive landscaping tree. Reaching to over 10m (30ft) in height, although not widely grown in the UK it does make an attractive alternative to some of the other species.
New foliage is a bright lime green quickly turning to the well known blue green. Lovely purple cones are an added attraction
Where to grow Abies
Abies are suitable for most gardening situations. Just be aware of final size as this varies greatly.
Best in full sun in the UK.
Abies care and growing hints.
Abies require little care and are generally a tough plant once established.
Popular Abies species include:
Abies procera, glauca prostrata, Abies koreana glauca prostrata, Abies Nordmaniana golden spreader, Abies concolor, Abies pinaspo, Abies balsamea, Abies lasiocarpa, Abiea concolor and Abies fraserii.
Abies species and Cultivars Details