Abies koreana
An attractive evergreen conifer or fir tree Abies Koreana puts on a show with its with outstanding cones, worth buying for this alone. This very ornamental tree is ideal for screening, mass planting and makes a wonderful accent plant in the garden with its straight stem, dark bark, shiny green/silver needles and striking cones.
A beautiful and very graceful Fir tree making a fantastic garden Christmas tree, also suitable for planting in pots or containers. Compact evergreen tree and a native to Korea, this is slow growing plant to around 15-30' tall (10 m) with a pyramidal shape and a spread of approx. 1.2 m. A hardy plant that tolerates temperatures down to -15, requires very little maintenance and is virtually pest and disease free. It produces deep purple/blue, ornamental cones 2-3 inches long from a young age.
Most other Abies species only produce cones later in life. Abies Koreana has green needles are shiny, short and are bright silver underneath. In late spring the A. koreana bears row of pink and green flowers. A.koreana is more heat tolerant than other Abies such as A. balsamea, but generally prefers a cool conditions. Soil should be moist, well-drained and slightly acidic. Firs do not like wet feet. It enjoys full sun to semi shade. A. koreana can be propagated by seed. The seed can be kept fresh by refrigerating until planting time, and then sown outside in autumn.
Varieties and cultivars for sale.
There are a number of cultivars available.
- A. koreana 'Aurea' (Golden Korean Fir) is slow growing, medium sized with golden needles and purple cones, measuring 20'H, 5'W.
- 'Horstmann's Silberlocke' is a popular, slow growing cultivar that grows to about 4m/13 ft. It can take up to 20 years to reach full height. It has impressive upward curving needles that have a white underside.
- Horizontal spreading dwarf forms such as 'Compact dwarf' and 'Prostrate Beauty' are also available. These are useful as ground covers and in rock gardens.
A slow growing upright conifer with attractive foliage Abies koreana is an excellent background tree or specimen tree. Large blue cones are a feature and these seen to appear even on younger specimens. One of the most popular forms is 'silberlocke', a little slower than the species.
Where to grow Abies
Abies are suitable for most gardening situations. Just be aware of final size as this varies greatly.
Best in full sun in the UK.
Abies care and growing hints.
Abies require little care and are generally a tough plant once established.
Popular Abies species include:
Abies procera, glauca prostrata, Abies koreana glauca prostrata, Abies Nordmaniana golden spreader, Abies concolor, Abies pinaspo, Abies balsamea, Abies lasiocarpa, Abiea concolor and Abies fraserii.
Abies species and Cultivars Details