Phlomis (Jerusalem Sage) Plants and Species.

phlomis fruticosaPhlomis species including Phlomis russeliana, Phlomis fruticosa and cultivars such as 'Edward Bowles' are a great border plant. The trademark yellow flowers arise in whorles and add a mass of colour to the border. For a smaller more compact plant look for P. fruticosa 'Compact Grey' also sold as 'Miss Grace'

However there is more to the genus that tall yellow flowering varieties And a number of varieties are readily available for sale online in the UK.

Phlomis Varieties

Phlomis italica or 'Narrow leaved Jerusalem Sage' is a smaller growing species, the flowers are a mauve to pink and a welcome change to the bolshy yellow of the common varieties..

With more varieties than you might think, Phlomis siehana is a prostrate form, growing to form a dense matt. Attractive foliage that is soft and silky.

Another variety is Phlomis capitata, again very low growing, very strong yellow flowers and a good fragrance as well.

Phlomis Care

phlomis flowerCare of Phlomis plants is fairly simple, they require a well drained soil and a sunny position. Prune back in spring removing any dead or diseased wood.

Phlomis fruticosa with its bold yellow flowers is an easy plant to grow in the garden border. Drought tolerant once established Phlomis fruticosa can be grown is relatively poor soils.

Phlomis species are available for sale from the following growers

Flymoor Lane Rocklands Attleborough Norfolk NR 17 1BP
Tel: 01953 488 163

Northgate, Pinchbeck Spalding Lincolnshire PE11 3TB
Tel: 01775 640935



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